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From the DSA Treasurer: Membership & More

Hello, I am Cathy Edler, current Deaf Seniors of America (DSA) Treasurer. Some of you may recognize who I am, yes, I was the treasurer for DSA 2023 Conference in Hollywood, Florida. View vlog

Wisconsin is where I grew up and lived for most of my life. I currently live in South Florida. I have always involved with deaf clubs or organizations since high school. I was elected as president, vice president and secretary of various clubs/organizations at the local, city and state levels.

My involvement with DSA is my first experience at the national level with a nonprofit organization. I enjoy continuing to learn and keep challenging myself. I can see that DSA is a growing and thriving organization. Other large nonprofit organizations out there, such as AARP, are now noticing DSA. That’s a huge step for us, I hope our relationship will continue to grow and connect stronger as years go on in the future.

One of my many duties as DSA treasurer is to maintain membership records.

I want to share some important information for those who are first time DSA 2025 Conference - Kansas City, Missouri registrants. Your membership begins at the DSA 2025 Conference and is good until the DSA 2027 Conference. Our membership fees are good for two years, from conference to conference.

So, I would hate for you to miss what’s happening with DSA between now and our Kansas City conference. If you want to take advantage of our special membership rate of $15 and become a DSA member now, contact me at

I understand some of you may have issue finding $DSA2025Fund with CashApp. If you do, please either use the search at the bottom of CashApp to find $DSA2025Fund or email me of your CashApp name to and I’ll send a request to you.

And - great news for those who enjoyed the Whova mobile app at last year’s DSA conference – it will be available again for the DSA 2025 Conference.

I look forward to your involvement as a DSA member and seeing you in person in Kansas City!


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