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Announcement - New DSA 2025 Conference Dates

Hello everyone – I am Phil Aiello, president of DSA (Deaf Seniors of America). I have a very special announcement to make so please pay careful attention. The DSA Board of Directors went to Kansas City, Missouri to visit the hotel (Marriott Downtown Kansas City) and to meet with the DSA 2025 Kansas City Local Committee. View link

Why did we visit the hotel? The main reason is to make sure everything meets our needs. To see the meeting rooms, banquet room, exhibit hall, and to make sure that there is plenty of lighting and that the space is easily accessible for all of our members. Everything was met to our satisfaction.

We then met with the Local Committee to discuss conference plans. An issue was raised in which we did not realize…all over the country, most schools begin during the third week of August. Many of the part- and full- timers return to work that week and would not be able to attend the conference. The situation is the same with Local Committee members, as many have to report to work, so we would face a shortage of volunteers during that conference week.

The DSA Board met to discuss the issue and decided to approach the hotel management to see if we could revise the current date to an earlier date in the same month of August. The hotel checked their schedule and agreed to accept the date change to August 1 through August 7, and that everything else would remain the same. Therefore, the DSA Board now officially announces that the new date for the DSA 2025 Kansas City Conference is August 1–7, 2025. Pre-conference tours will be held on August 1–2. The Local Committee will announce a list of exciting tours. Sunday, August 3 is the official opening ceremony, which begins at 6:00 PM followed by the conference on Monday to Thursday. Thursday will end with a farewell luncheon and entertainment.

Again….The new DSA 2025 Conference dates are August 1–7.

Two things to know….

  • Please remember that early bird savings on Combo registration will end June 30, 2024. The early bird rate is $400; after June 30, rate will be $450. Do take advantage of the early bird rate.

  • Room reservations will begin during the month of August, 2024. We will send notification when the hoel will accept reservations. Those who are registered for the conference will receive a code to make their hotel room reservation.

Thank you for watching. Enjoy your summer and be safe!

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